Bullying Prevention at Coe

At Coe we have a cross-grade coordinated approach to bullying prevention with a focus of work in October for Bullying Prevention Month that continues throughout the school year. A highlight of the month is Unity Day when we collectively unite for kindness, acceptance and inclusion to send a visible message that no child should ever experience bullying.

At Coe we use the evidence based Second Step Bullying Prevention Curriculum from Committee of Children which is taught to 4th and 5th grade but the keys messages of Recognize, Report, Refuse are introduced in earlier grades. In Upper Elementary students learn about Bystander power and responsibility of being someone that observes bullying in our community. Coe Cougars take time to consider how to navigate bullying through school wide activities, anti-bullying themed resources for SEL,  assemblies, anti-bullying lessons in performing arts, and group discussions in our affinity groups.

At home you might like to explore more of Committee for Children’s resources for bullying prevention and the important work of PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center who provide advice and resources for parents. Your students might enjoy the Captain Compassion comic series or enjoy reading books from this booklist and talking with you further about preventing bullying at school and in our community.


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