Coe SEL Tools

At Coe Elementary we prioritize social and emotional learning (SEL) from Kindergarten through 5th grade. If our students are able to build their social and emotional skills they will be able to access their academics more effectively, engage fully in school, and build skills that will last with them forever.


At Coe we use RULER, the evidence-based social and emotional curriculum developed at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. RULER supports school communities in understanding the value of emotions, building the skills of emotional intelligence, and creating and maintaining positive school climates. Click here can learn more about RULER.


At Coe we use 3 of the RULER tools that you might also like to use at home too:


In addition to our RULER tools our school use 3 tools for decision making, conflict resolution and restorative reflections and conversations.


These tools are used alongside restorative practices that enable us to learn, rebuild trust and restore harm so our community can always continue learning and growing. Some grades also supplement their social and emotional learning with the Second Step curriculum from Seattle-based Committee for Children. Learn more about Second Step here.


If these resources prompt any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our School Counselor, Sarah Waymouth (Ms. Sarah) –


Screen Time


Bullying Prevention at Coe