Maximize the impact of your gift by accessing your employer’s charitable match program
Coe-orporate Matching
Many employers will match your donation and/or your volunteer hours!
Confirm eligibility with your Human Resources team and complete the necessary forms
Make your gift to Frantz Coe Elementary PTA – Tax ID: 91-1005216
Watch the impact of your dollars and hours support our school
Alaska Airlines (donations + hours volunteered)
Boeing (donations + hours volunteered)
Delta Airlines (see intranet)
Sanmar (ask HR)
Starbucks (donations + hours volunteered)
T-Mobile (donations + hours volunteered)
Zillow Group (hours only)
Many companies allow employees to seek a match for donations made within the last year – it’s not too late!
Email fundraising@coepta.org
Donate Stock
The Coe PTA gladly accepts donations of stock through StockDonator.
This is a fantastic way to support our school, and likely beneficial from a tax perspective for both the donor and the recipient.
Visit stockdonator.com/how-to-donate/
and look for FH Coe PTA (Tax ID 91-1005216)
Email treasurer@coepta.org for more information.