Reflections Art Contest

This year, Coe will be participating in the PTA Reflections program, which offers students a platform to express their unique perspectives and interpretation of a student-created theme. For the 2024-2025 school year, the theme is “Accepting Imperfection".

Coe will be submitting artwork in the Visual Arts category this year. To submit a piece of artwork:

  • Follow the category guidelines.

  • Complete the submission entry form.

  • Submit an electronic copy of your student's artwork to April Saunders at

  • All electronic submissions must be in by 5 PM on Monday, November 18, 2024

  • Once submitted, please deliver your artwork to the front desk by Wednesday, November 20, 2024 to be displayed at school. Artwork will be displayed at the SCPTSA's art show later next year (details TBD).

Questions? Reach out to April Saunders at 

If you do not have access to a printer or scanner, you can find copies of the entry form at the front desk.  Please complete the form and submit your artwork to the front desk (Attention:  April Saunders) and she will submit it on your behalf.