Anxiety & Resilience

Anxiety is increasing in our schools and nurturing resilience during the foundational years of elementary school is key to helping develop a growth mindset for a successful and happy life. In March we welcomed Katie Gruver from Positive Parenting Seattle to share her wisdom and expertise with our Coe community. Katie’s presentation provides many helpful resources and tips for managing anxiety and worries in your child, and nurturing resilience skills. You can view the presentation here!

5 Minute Reads

How to avoid passing anxiety on to your kids by Brigit Katz, Child Mind Institute

How I am helping my son tackle his anxiety, blog from Youngminds

The secret to raising a resilient kid, The New York Times

Resilience guide for parents and teachers, American Psychological Association



The Power of Relationships: Nurturing Compassion and Resilience in Children – ParentEd Talks Replay with authors, research and psychologists Sam Goldstein Ph.D. and Robert Brooks, Ph.D.


Further Reading

Freeing Your Child from Anxiety – Practical strategies to overcome fears, worries and phobias and be prepared for life from Toddlers to Teens by Tamar Chansky

Good Inside: A guide to becoming the parent you want to be by Dr. Becky Kennedy

Thrivers: The surprising reasons why some kids struggle and others shine by Michele Borba



When your child is feeling worried and needing to find calm there are a variety of tools they can try. It is important that every child works out what helps them to know what to put in their “toolkit”. Parents often enjoy trying out these tools together with their children. Some ideas are included in the above presentation slides and you might like these too:


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